Learn 6 habits to take care of your visual health at work
This situation demands that you have habits to take care of your visual health that will help you take care of your eyes, avoid work accidents and achieve work with comfort.
Visual hygiene includes that your work environment provides comfort and safety conditions to meet your tasks, as well as maintaining healthy habits protected by the culture of risk prevention that should be promoted from the occupational health area of the company.
Here we share the main habits that help maintain visual well-being in your workplace.
Jobs, especially those in the industry and other high-risk jobs, require the use of eye and face protection. In those cases, the company's occupational health program will indicate and train in the use of these implements to prevent visual and ocular damage according to the type of risk detected as particulate material, traumas, material handling, burns or wounds, manipulation of substances chemical, lighting or non-ionizing radiation.
Having an appropriate amount of light in the focal point of your work is a determining factor for your work performance, avoiding visual fatigue due to over-exertion and accidents at work.
In this sense, the lighting must be distributed evenly, without interruption or intermittences in the supply, as well as in the place there are no marked contrasts between light and dark.
The light should not fall directly on your eyes nor should there be any shadows on the objects you are focusing on. For example, be careful when you write on paper.
Just as poor lighting is harmful, it is also harmful when the amount is excessive, because you can present an over-stimulation of the retina, glare and, at the same time, decrease in the quality of vision.
When you are continually exposed to natural light, your employer must provide you protection measures with ultraviolet radiation and changes in the light intensities of this source.
The effects of continuous solar radiation on your eyes and their functioning can cause you, mainly, long-term conjunctivitis, malformations in the eyelids, alterations in the transparency of the lens (cataract) or degeneration of the cells of the retina with the consequent decrease permanent vision.
When you perform tasks that require your concentration and use of near or intermediate vision for a long time it is healthy to take a break every 20 or 30 minutes that will take you to look away from the task you are doing for 5 minutes and put the focus of attention on something that is several meters away as looking out the window or deep into the workplace.
Staying for a long time in front of the computer screen without moving the vision to other points can lead to our approach is not accommodated and there is a spasm of accommodation that will cause discomfort and can lead to an erroneous diagnosis because it presents the same symptoms of myopia: difficulty with the near vision.
With this short break you help relax the accommodation over your eyes when they focus for a long time in one place. Even if your work requires constant use of the screen, then you can alternate the use of printed material to avoid visual fatigue.
The work on the desk requires that you keep a distance of approximately 45 to 55 cm from the computer screen, which should be at eye level, as well as maintain a correct posture when doing jobs such as reading or writing.
To a large extent, maintaining a proper position depends on the ergonomics of the workplace, specifically, that the height of the chair and desk allow your feet to rest on the floor, the legs are at the knees, your back is straight and shoulders back, without twisting the head or neck.
Working in an environment with high temperatures, above 26 °, leads to your eyes and mucous membranes drying up, producing irritation, redness of the eyes and excess of blinking.
Likewise, very hot environments decrease the bactericidal enzymes and cause you to be exposed to the appearance of conjunctivitis.