How often do you have to change the mascara to avoid an infection

How often do you have to change the mascara to avoid an infection



Highlight the shape of the eye, lengthen the eyelashes or give them more volume. Simple tricks that make eyelash masks one of the basics in the kit of anyone who loves makeup . Moreover, say the data of the National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics (Stanpa), since it became fashionable to share 'selfies' on social networks . The problem with this cosmetic is that we use it for too long and this can end up damaging the health of our eyes .

Stye, loss of eyelashes and even ulcers
In the skin of our face, including the area of ​​the eyelids, there are different types of bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pneumoniae , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa - that stick to the brush of the eyelash mask every time we use it. Once stored in the tube, they accumulate and mix with makeup.

 The air that enters and exits when using the product again is the final ingredient to create a "new life" that can affect our ocular health, explains the professor of Ophthalmology at the Complutense University and member of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO ), José María Benítez del Castillo.

Among the problems that can cause , adds the ophthalmologist, are "the disease of the dry eye, blepharitis -which is an inflammation of the eyelids-, loss of eyelashes, styes, conjunctivitis and, even, corneal ulcers". In case of suffering any discomfort, it is best to "go to the specialist immediately."

 But we can also prevent it and it can be as simple as periodically changing the product . Unlike what we usually do, which is to keep it in the bag until it dries or the paint runs out. But when exactly do you have to change it?

If you do not remember when you bought it, throw it away
"It does not depend on the frequency of use, but on the time that has passed since it was used for the first time", clarifies the pharmaceutical and expert in cosmetic microbiology Carmen Torres Vila.

The recommendation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology is not to use masks for more than three months and if we have forgotten when we started using it, adds the expert, "the healthiest thing is to replace it."

It also influences the way we use it. "If you make up one eye first and apply the mask in the second one, put the brush back in the tube, it dries faster and you have to change it before", clarifies Torres Vila and adds that the best thing "is to try to deposit on the brush the amount of mask enough to paint both eyes. "

 Nor should we share our mask with other people , according to the ophthalmologist, because it increases the risk of contamination and the spread of infections and diseases.

As for differences between the different varieties that are in the market, we must "take care with waterproof products ", says Benítez del Castillo. Their formulas include waxes and tars that repel water from the eyelashes and prevent the paint from running.

When applied to the tear ducts we can block them and "increase the chances of suffering dryness of the eye or inflammation of the eyelids."

To avoid trouble, the expert advises "opt for a dermatologically safe product" and that "respect ocular health," adds the ophthalmologist. Both recommend focusing on their composition and opt for those without perfumes or parabens and with a pH similar to that of tears , which can vary between 6.4 and 7.6



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